Neue Helden

braucht das Land

Show that you have what it takes to be a superhero and conquer the hearts of your city!


Neue Helden: The game world

It’s hard to get started, unless you're bitten by a mutant spider or come from another planet. As an aspiring superhero, you’ll have to show what you’re made of if you want to become the star of your city! And never forget: Your nemesis Dr. Evil could be lurking around every corner!


Neue Helden: The game idea

You choose a mission for your hero - and start with him directly into the adventure! With the dice and your special skills you fight your way through missions and win new fans! As a reward for mastering tasks, you’ll get cool equipment like the pocket brain and the rocket boots! But be careful: If you meet other players on the way, it comes to a showdown! Which hero can inspire the most fans and become the star of the city?


Neue Helden: Online spielen

Wenn du Lust hast, probiere NEUE HELDEN einfach online aus. Wir haben das Spiel auf Tabletopia, einem „Spieltisch-Simulator“, eingestellt.

Alles, was du dazu brauchst, sind die Spielregeln, die du unter Download findestund den Link zum Spiel auf Tabeltopia.

Viel Spaß beim Spielen!


The heroes in comparison

Choose which hero suits you best. Each has special strengths and skills.


THE HAMMER – is fearsomely muscular, but a mama’s boy. No one knows exactly what was in his mother’s milk back then - or whether he fell into a hot spinach pot as a child.

In school, THE HAMMER only made it as far as the school cone. He once successfully passed an intelligence test - for 4-year-olds.


THE COLIBRI – actually thinks he can fly. He already flew: from school, from his job and also once onto his face. Consequential damages are not known so far.

Originally THE COLIBRI wanted to become a pilot. That failed because the passengers did not understand his chirping during the cockpit announcements.


THE TURBINE – loves everything that goes fast: fans, roller coasters and short vacations. Fast food at a fast food restaurant? Takes too long for her!

THE TURBINE originally worked for an aircraft manufacturer - as a replacement turbine. She also once took part in a car race - the only one without a car. You feel a sudden gust of wind? That could have been her …


THE SHADOW – is a soft-spoken man who likes to stay hidden. Unnoticed, he creeps across the field; hardly anything is known about him. He probably does his shopping on the side, goes to the hairdresser and helps a family of ants cross the street. In any case, until recently, even we didn't know he was part of this game.

Only one thing is clear: THE SHADOW never needs sunscreen - but lots of vitamin D.


THE BRAIN – wrote the book “Dr. Übel und andere Naturkatastrophen” (Dr. Evil and other natural disasters) and knows exactly how to catch the super villain. Because you need brains for that - and THE BRAIN has a lot of them! He can solve crossword puzzles without a pencil, count backwards from the number 10,000 and spell without a calculator.

The only drawback is that he can only fit XXL hats.


THE ORACLE – is a know-it-all who really knows everything better. She’s a little bit crazy, but that could also be because of the future.

THE ORACLE prefers to spend her pocket money on sweets - although she knows that this will not end well. Instead, she wins at bowling with her glass ball - in the year 2035. And she was the first to know that this game would be a hit here!


THE FLASH – is constantly under power, but rarely a light comes on for him. He sometimes tries to relax, but has too much tension for that.

THE FLASH actually once wanted to become a programmer, but after the explosion of his first PC, he gave up this career aspiration. Now he mostly gives start-up help.


THE BIN – has some strengths - speed is unfortunately not one of them. Because there’s really nothing he won't eat: even cookbooks, if the pictures look delicious.

On the side, THE BIN has already worked as a garbage collector and is also the annual winner of the recycling competition. Good thing, because he’s one hell of a sore loser!

    Erklärvideo & Downloads

    Ab dem Verkaufsstart (01.06.2021) findest du hier ein Erklärvideo und Downloads zum Spiel.
    Verkaufsstart 1.6.2021Jetzt vorbestellen!


    Teaser NEUE HELDEN

    Explanation video NEUE HELDEN


    The FAQs and rules of the game NEUE HELDEN:


    Here is a selection of the reviews of NEUE HELDEN:
    Rating: 8/10 points!

    “The whole setting is just a joy. We had a blast playing it! Absolutely clear recommendation.”

    Rating: 4/5 points!

    “We really really like the game! It is greatly illustrated and the texts on the cards are very funny - it all fits together perfectly!

    We had so much fun and a lot of malicious joy when tricking each other. A great game for the entire family.”

    Olli, Game Critic @lordoftheboard1976

    “I celebrate the game. Simple and yet ingenious! Especially that you have to annoy each other to succeed is super funny and exciting at the same time.”

    Patrick, Game Critic @panatzu_gaming

    “A nice game for happy hours of play in the family, but also with the game-experienced friends.”

    Alu and Konsti, Blogger

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