Ninja Academy

With fun and skill!
Will you be the best ninja?

The game world
Welcome to the Ninja Academy Final Exam! As a young ninja apprentice, the time has come for you to prove yourself in competition against the other students. Be quick and skillful to get the best grades and earn your ninja title. Can you defeat your opponents and become a ninjutsu master?
The game idea
24 challenges await you, in which you have to cleverly prevail against your family and friends! You can compete with all of them at the same time or with individual players in a merciless competition. To successfully complete your ninja training, you'll show your skills in sneaking, perception and acrobatics, and use your psychological acumen. This means: you'll have to solve dexterity tasks, prove speed, bluff well, guess and bet on which ninja will win!

Neue Helden: Online spielen

Wenn du Lust hast, probiere NEUE HELDEN einfach online aus. Wir haben das Spiel auf Tabletopia, einem „Spieltisch-Simulator“, eingestellt.

Alles, was du dazu brauchst, sind die Spielregeln, die du unter Download findestund den Link zum Spiel auf Tabeltopia.

Viel Spaß beim Spielen!


This is the game material

There are many challenges waiting for you that only the greatest ninjas can pass. Successfully complete all the trials or bet on the best ninja to get a lot of points.

Group Challenge

All players participate in this challenge. Here it is, for example, to be the first to blow a card on the back, to collect more ninja figures from a pile than all others or to knock over opposing figures.


Duelling Challenge

Only two players take part in this challenge. For example, stacks of ninja figures and beams must be built or figures thrown into the target. All others are spectators. If they guess the correct duel winner, they also get victory points.


Ninja figures

There are ninja figures in 2 colors: black and white. They are the stars in almost every challenge. Depending on the task, you may need one of the colors or both.



The wooden beams you need only in some challenges. Thereby you must prove yourselves in given tasks as skillful builders.


Tatami cards

The back of each tatami card shows a tatami, or rice straw mat, while the front shows a ninja with a number from 1 to 5. The card determines who plays first in a challenge. And you'll also need it for some tasks.


    NINJA ACADEMY: Unboxing

    NINJA ACADEMY: Explainer video of “Meeple Queen_Brettspiele” (German version)


    The rules of the game NINJA ACADEMY:


    Here is a selection of reviews of NINJA ACADEMY:

    "It's a little stroke of genius! I would always have it with me, for example on holiday with children."


    "In my opinion, it's one of the best mini-games of its kind. I personally think it's absolutely great! There urgently needs to be expansions for it!"


    "Very original and fun mini-game collection. We actually had a lot of fun with it."

    Jan Cronauer aka Cron, Autor & Influencer @jancronauer


    “I think it's a super made, super designed, super fun game concept, which works really great with Ninja Academy. This little thing here is really something big.”

    Julia, Blogger YouTube-Channel Meeple Queen_Brettspiele


    “I think it's a super made, super designed, super fun game concept, which works really great with Ninja Academy. This little thing here is really something big.”


    “An uncomplicated, fun and fast party game. Both players and spectators have fun with the challenges - while these are varied enough not to get bored even after several games.”

    Markus, Game Critic Medienportal Roter Dorn

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